Learning Youth Power > Articles by: admin
Развој предузетничког учења, интелигенције и начина размишљања код старијих особа и одраслих са смањеним могућностима
Course in Serbian language (Cyrillic). A digital interactive learning resource for education, training and mentoring of adult educators for entrepreneurship education for inclusion among seniors and adults with fewer opportunities.
Unternehmerisches Lernen, Intelligenz und Mentalitätsentwicklung für Senioren und Erwachsene mit geringeren Möglichkeiten
Course in German language. A digital interactive learning resource for education, training and mentoring of adult educators for entrepreneurship education for inclusion among seniors and adults with fewer opportunities.
Entreprenöriellt lärande, Intelligens och tankesättsutveckling utbildning för seniorer och vuxna med färre möjligheter
Course in Swedish language. A digital interactive learning resource for education, training and mentoring of adult educators for entrepreneurship education for inclusion among seniors and adults with fewer opportunities.
Razvoj poduzetničkog učenja, inteligencije i načina razmišljanja kod starijih osoba i odraslih sa smanjenim mogućnostima
Course in Croatian language. A digital interactive learning resource for education, training and mentoring of adult educators for entrepreneurship education for inclusion among seniors and adults with fewer opportunities.